

How i transformed my struggling e-commerce store into a $226,105.88 success story in 21 days by targeting the "Untapped Customers" On Facebook

Discover how this one simple method transformed my struggling eCommerce business into a successful venture by exploiting the "untapped" audience on Facebook

Hey there, it’s Benjamin Yong.

You might recognize my name from the affiliate marketing scene, where I was a successful player for years.

I lived a life that many could only dream of – 4 cars, a beautiful bungalow, multiple properties, and a healthy bank balance.

That was, until Luna, the infamous cryptocurrency ecosystem, crashed in May 2022...

...And just like that, 95% of my net worth evaporated into thin air.

That crash didn’t just wipe out my wealth; it threatened the very life I had built...

...I had monthly installments to make, properties to maintain, a wife and three children to support.

...The comfortable life that I was accustomed to was teetering on the brink of disaster.

With my remaining funds, I decided to embark on a new venture – e-commerce.

To many, it seemed like a gamble, but to me, it was a calculated risk.

As an experienced marketer, I knew a thing or two about identifying lucrative offers.

...So, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

I set up an e-commerce store, picked a promising product, and fired up a Facebook Sales objective campaign.

...The initial response?...

Well, let's just say reality has a knack for delivering harsh wake-up calls.

After spending $150 on my campaign, I only managed to bag a few 'add to carts' and, disappointingly, zero sales.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but I wasn't about to throw in the towel.

My friends advised me to focus on copywriting, assuring me that it would be the key to conversions.

I was no stranger to the power of a well-crafted copy, and so, armed with a renewed sense of hope, I re-launched my campaign.

The results? A promising ROAS of 2.13 on the first day. A glimmer of hope in the bleak landscape of failed campaigns.

But, like any savvy entrepreneur, I knew that profitability and scalability go hand-in-hand.

So, I decided to increase my ad budget daily, expecting to see a proportional increase in ROI.

However, reality was not done dishing out its lessons. Instead of climbing, my ROI plummeted.

Despite my best efforts, the campaign became unprofitable after factoring in COGS, shipping, and other costs.

It felt like standing at the edge of a cliff, watching my dreams slip away.

But sometimes, life throws you a lifeline when you least expect it.

Mine came in the form of a chance meeting with an old colleague from my days as a part-time camera salesman...

...It reminded me of the strategy I used to become a top-performing salesman, one that didn't rely on the standard playbook.

I have been leading my team and won many top sales awards back in the days... Yes we were given can drinks as the prize...

Here’s the interesting part.

You see, back in my camera salesman days, I wasn't just a run-of-the-mill salesman.

I was a top performer. I had a unique way of connecting with people, not just the ones who were looking to buy a camera, but anyone who passed by.

I would strike up conversations, build rapport, and subtly steer them towards the idea of owning a camera.

When my old colleague brought up this strategy during our chat, it was like a light bulb moment.

Suddenly, everything fell into place!

...What if I used the same strategy online?

...What if, instead of chasing after the same 10% of customers that every other advertiser was targeting, I pursued the remaining 90%?...

Inspired by this revelation, I took my offline sales strategy and adapted it for my online store.

I adjusted my Facebook ads strategy to engage, not just the people who were actively looking to buy, but the whole universe of potential customers who weren't aware of what they needed yet.

I would create that awareness and, in the process, create the demand.

Guess what? The transformation was astounding!

Within days, my cost per acquisition had dropped by 50-80%.

I was attracting a flood of new customers, and best of all, they weren't the ones everyone else was fighting over.

I was in uncharted territory, exploring an untapped market that was ripe for the picking.

My cost per sale went down from $17+ to $3+

...And then, it happened!

In just 21 days, I managed to rake in $226,105.88 in sales.

The figure was staggering, but what was even more unbelievable was that I had achieved a Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) of 3.49!

It wasn't just a number. It was a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience, and a testament to the power of out-of-the-box thinking.

But most importantly, it meant that I could continue to provide for my family without a cloud of worry hanging over us.

It felt like a dream, but the reason behind it was as simple as it was revolutionary: the Facebook algorithm.

Facebook's algorithm focuses on 'intent'.

It shows your ads to people who are 'aware' of your product or service, the ones who are likely to bite.

Sounds great, right?

But here's the catch. This approach only reaches about 10% of your potential market.

It's like fishing in a pond when there's an entire ocean out there.

I want to remind you that this is not your fault. It's the intention of Facebook and how the algorithm works.

So why does Facebook do this?

It's simple: they want to make their platform easy to use. By focusing on the top 10% audience with the most intent, you'll be getting conversions and sales with ease.

They make it seem like their algorithm is doing all the hard work for you.

But in reality, you're competing in a tiny, over-fished pond. As more advertisers jump in, the competition increases, the ROI decreases, and it turns into a dog-eat-dog world.

Will Facebook tell you this? Of course not.

So, what's the solution?

Enter the smart way - the "Indirect Approach."

Instead of fishing in the crowded pond, why not explore the ocean?

By targeting the remaining 90% of the market, you can get them into your funnel and nurture them. When they're ready to buy, they'll turn to you.

With this approach, you'll have lower acquisition costs, higher ROAS, and a campaign that's truly scalable.

The secret to this strategy isn't some magical formula. It's simply about understanding the Facebook algorithm and using it to your advantage.

It's about recognizing that only 10% of your audience has the intent to buy while the remaining 90% is waiting to be convinced.

The key is knowing how to target and convert this untapped pool of audience.

And that's precisely what I'm sharing in my new ebook, "Untapped Customers."

This ebook is not just a collection of theories or hypothetical strategies.

It's a proven blueprint that I've used to transform my struggling ecommerce store into a $226,105.88 success story in 21 days.

It's a radical shift in how you approach ecommerce advertising, a manual that not only explains the 'what' and 'how' but also dives deep into the 'why'.

By using my method discussed in the book, you can:

Increase Sales: With a strategy focused on untapped markets, you're likely to see a significant boost in your sales. You're no longer competing in the red ocean of intent-driven customers but swimming in the blue ocean of the vast, untapped market.
Improve Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): By focusing on a new, broader audience segment, the cost per acquisition will decrease, thereby improving your return on ad spend. The money you invest in advertising goes further, bringing in more revenue for each dollar spent.
Gain Market Advantage: Utilizing these unconventional strategies can give you a unique advantage over competitors who continue to use traditional methods. You'll be playing a game that most others don't even know exists.
Build a More Sustainable Business: By diversifying your marketing approach and reaching out to new, untapped customer bases, your business becomes less vulnerable to changes in market conditions. You won't be solely reliant on the same oversaturated pool of customers.
Forge Stronger Customer Relationships: Engaging with your audience on a deeper level – turning the unaware into the aware, creating demand where there was none – allows for a stronger connection with customers. This approach cultivates brand loyalty and encourages repeat business.

Sure, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't selling this book to make a profit. I've stumbled upon this incredible strategy and it would be just plain crazy not to monetize it, right?

But let's get one thing straight: This isn't just another 'online marketing' eBook, full of fluff and recycled information.

No, this is the real deal - a true map to success, filled with tactics that I've tested, tweaked, and validated with my own business.

This is the culmination of all my learning, my trials, my failures, and most importantly, my triumphs in the online marketing space.

For just $9, you're not only getting the "Untapped Customers" ebook, which contains 200+ pages of revolutionary strategies, but also a 7-hour video series to help you get started.

And that's not all.

To sweeten the deal, I'm throwing in bonuses worth up to $949 (you will see them on the next page).

If you're struggling with your Facebook ads campaign, it's a no-brainer. You can't afford to miss out on this opportunity.

Why is this eBook only $9?

It's simple. I'm using it to demonstrate the value I bring to the table.

By offering it at a low price, I'm hoping to show you the effectiveness of my strategies, not just in theory, but in action. This isn't just about selling a book; it's about fostering a partnership based on trust and tangible results.

My hope is that you'll find so much value in this $9 eBook that you'll want to explore my other, more comprehensive offerings. That's the deal.

Don't just take my words for it, though.

Here are some of the success stories from people who have applied the UC Model:

My Sales Skyrocketed From 1-2 A Day To 30+ A Day!

"I was struggling on my ecommerce business and was only making 1-2 sales a day. After buying Untapped Customers book and implemented the strategy in it, my sales skyrocketed to 30+ a day. The best part is, I am now able to scale my campaigns to a bigger pool of audience and it's currently converting at 7%!"


Untapped Customers Student

This Strategy Works Like Magic! My Ad Cost Is Reduced By 50%!

"I was struggling with the high CPM cost in the US market. The UC Model showed me a way to reduced the cost by 50%. Thanks to this, I managed to scale my revenue to a new height, a whooping $87,326.21 in sales!"


Untapped Customers Student

So Much Value For Such Little Price!

"Anyone can run profitable campaigns by knowing how to target the untapped audience... I was in disbelief when I first see the ad about it... But I am glad that I gave this book a go! The result speaks for itself!"


Untapped Customers Student

John, Edward, and Joseph are just part of the success stories of this model.

In fact, since the launch of the book, there are now 1000+ people who are learning and using this formula to run profitable ads on Facebook.

This is a strategy I believe in so much that I'm willing to stake my reputation on it. And so, for less than the cost of your lunch, you get to dive into a marketing methodology that's not just effective, but revolutionary.

Also, to back up my words, I'm offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you're not satisfied with the value you get from the ebook and video series, if you think it's not worth the $9, or if you find my strategies to be bull, just ask for a refund.

You'll get your money back, no questions asked.

I'm doing this because I genuinely want you to succeed.

If you don't find success with this ebook, it's unlikely you'll want to engage with my higher-ticket programs. So, there's no risk in giving "Untapped Customers" a try. What you do after that is up to you.

I should warn you, though, the price isn't going to stay this low forever. I'm selling copies of this book every day, and people keep telling me to increase the price. I know I should, and I will, but I don't know when. If I were you, I'd grab this deal before the price jumps to $99.

Your money doesn't just buy an eBook; it unlocks a new approach to Facebook advertising, one that will let you tap into an almost untouched pool of potential customers.

You've literally got nothing to lose and a whole new world of marketing success to gain.

So, why wait? It's time to step up your marketing game and discover what your business is truly capable of.

After all, in the world of online business, the only limit to your success is the one you set for yourself.

Tap the button below and claim your copy of "Untapped Customers" before the price goes up.

*You're just a few clicks away from having a  highly profitable FB ads strategy

© Copyright Untapped Customers.  All Rights Reserved.



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